
Showing posts from September, 2021

Cuda eucharystyczne (9788386029976)

Książka opisuje 36 słynnych cudów eucharystycznych w historii Kościoła. Każdemu z opisanych cudów towarzyszy opowieść o okolicznościach, w jakich do niego doszło i opiniach ekspertów. Ponadto książka zawiera rozdziały opisujące niezwykłe, a związane z Eucharystią, wydarzenia z życia świętych. Pracę uzupełniają liczne fotografie i ryciny. Product details Format Paperback | 336 pages Dimensions 135 x 205 x 24mm | 390g

One Million Followers : How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days (1946885371)

Over 60 billion online messages are sent on digital platforms every day, and only a select few succeed in the mad scramble for customer attention. This means that the question for anyone who wants to gain mass exposure for their transformative content, business, or brand or connect with audiences around the globe is no longer if they should use social media but how to best take advantage of the numerous different platforms. How can you make a significant impact in the digital world and stand out among all the noise? Digital strategist and "growth hacker" Brendan Kane has the answer and will show you how--in 30 days or less. A wizard of the social media sphere, Kane has built online platforms for A-listers including Taylor Swift and Rihanna. He's advised brands such as MTV, Skechers, Vice and IKEA on how to establish and grow their digital audience and engagement. Kane has spent his career discovering the best tools to turn any no-name into a top influencer simply by speak

Erinnerungen an Anne Frank (3473583375)

Hannah Pick-Goslar erinnert sich an ihre Kindheit mit Anne Frank. Im Juni 1942 verschwinden Anne und ihre Familie aus Amsterdam und wie alle glaubt auch Hannah, dass die Franks in die Schweiz entkommen konnten. Doch dann trifft sie ihre Freundin Anne im KZ Bergen-Belsen - ein Wiedersehen im Angesicht des Todes. Product details For ages 12+ Format Paperback | 160 pages Dimensions 210 x 297 x 15mm

Positive Leadership: Strategies for Extraordinary Performance (9781609945664)

NEW EDITION, REVISED AND UPDATED Beyond Success Positive Leadership shows how to reach beyond ordinary success to achieve extraordinary effectiveness, spectacular results, and what Kim Cameron calls "positively deviant performance"--performance far above the norm. Citing a wide range of research in organizational behavior, medical science, and psychology as well as real-world examples, Cameron shows that to achieve exceptional success, leaders must emphasize strengths rather than simply focus on weaknesses; foster virtuous actions such as compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness; encourage contribution goals in addition to achievement goals; and enable meaningfulness in work. In this concise, inspiring, and practical guide, Cameron describes four positive leadership strategies, lays out a proven process for implementing them, and includes a self-assessment instrument. This second edition has been updated throughout with new research findings and new ideas for implementing posit

El libro de la sabiduría : los siete puntos del entrenamiento mental, atisha (9788484452461)

India ha brindado grandes regalos al mundo. Atisha es uno de estos regalos. Así como India dio un Bodhidharma a China, India dio un Atisha al Tíbet. Estos Siete Puntos del Entrenamiento Mental constituyen la enseñanza fundamental que Atisha aportó al Tíbet. Su valor es inmenso. Son toda la religión condensada. Son como las semillas, que, aunque pequeñas, contienen mucho. Tan pronto te introduzcas profundamente en estos siete puntos, en cuanto los contemples y medites sobre ellos y comiences a experimentarlos, te sorprenderás: Descubrirás que estás inmerso en la mayor aventura de tu vida. Medita sobre Atisha, escucha su consejo. No se trata de una filosofía. Es un manual de transformación interior. Es el libro que puede ayudar a crecer en sabiduría. Yo lo llamo El Libro de la Sabiduría OSHO El príncipe Dipamkara Shrijnan, más conocido como Atisha, nació en Bengala (India) en torno al año 980. Hacia el año 1039 se trasladó a Tíbet para dar impulso al budismo. Allí completó las ense

Inter-Laboratory Study on Electrochemical Methods for the Characterization of Cocrmo Biomedical Alloys in Simulated Body Fluids (9781907625008)

This special issue of Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology is dedicated to the study of corrosion of objects from historical sites. The issue contains contributions from the 2009 EUROCORR session on Corrosion of Archaeological and Heritage Artefacts organised by the European Federation of Corrosion's working party and commissioned articles on other key issues. The objective is to give the reader a broad understanding of corrosion of ancient materials, for the most part metal but also glass. Articles shed light on a range of analytical approaches related to the study of the complex systems that make up historical artifacts. In order to arrive at an understanding of the nanometric organisation of rust layers and interphases, such studies must be approached on a macroscopic scale. Techniques used include; macrophotography, synchrotron radiation and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that ensure results that are both exhaustive and representative of particular observations.

From Kittens to Babies : The Long Journey Home (9781608130054)

Growing up in a male-dominated, war-ridden Arab world afforded a young girl exposure to a wealth of contrasting cultural experiences. We look back at events that molded her character and made her the career-driven, opinionated woman she has become today. Product details Format Paperback | 98 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 6mm | 154g Publication date

Command Presence (9780979264627)

COMMAND PRESENCE is an exciting, interesting and detailed collection of actual events that took place in the life of Officer and Doctor James Scott. Some will make your blood boil. Some will make you laugh. Some will make you sad. Police chases, an air plane crash, shots fired, people saved, and much more. Delivering babies in a mud hut, building a hospital in the remote jungles, sick and injured people everywhere; it never stops! The failing court system. The emotional ups and downs. COMMAND PRESENCE will open your eyes to the real world. Product details Format Paperback | 270 pages Dimensions 152

Trauma : From Lockerbie to 7/7 How trauma affects our minds and h (9780593061947)

9/11, the war in Iraq, the London bombings, now Afghanistan...Thousands died, and in their aftermath many more became prisoners of their own devastated minds - their only hope a small number of dedicated pioneers working to piece together the crumbled fragments of their lives. The Ancient Greeks called it 'trauma'. And yet, almost three thousand years later, what was identified as shellshock during the First World War is still mistaken for cowardice or lack of moral fibre. Only since Vietnam have we begun to understand the symptoms and the causes of what is now known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Professor Gordon Turnbull recognized PTSD as a serious clinical condition from the start of his career as a psychiatrist in the RAF. It afflicts people hit by violent tragedy, injury or shock, and, directly or indirectly, it can affect us all. Andy McNab and Johnson Beharry VC are just two of the hundreds who have benefited from Gordon's care and counsel. He conducted unpreced

Crack the Core Exam - Volume 2 : 8th (2021) Edition (9798588323352)

Crack the Core represents the gold standard in Radiology Board Review. This second volume contains: Neuro, MSK, Vascular, IR, Mammography and a summary / strategy chapter. Product details Format Paperback | 586 pages Dimensions 216 x 280 x 30mm | 1,338g Publication date 30 Dec 2020

Strength To Care : Reflections for Parents of Children with Complex Medical and Special Needs (9781514354261)

When our third child Matthew was born with a rare genetic disorder it only changed what was important in life...that is, everything is a gift and it is up to us how we respond to what is presented to us in life. After overcoming the adjustments of life with a special needs child, we decided we were not done with having children. God has chosen to bless us with another child with the same genetic disorder even though it is almost statistically impossible. Isaac is now a part of our continuing story of faith, perseverance and joy.I started sharing stories of our journey over five years ago in a blog title Lessons from Matthew. At first I thought sharing our story was a creative expression and a way to help others. What I have found it that it helps me just as much. It helps Theresa and the rest of our family reach out and see people, hurting people more clearly and it helps to put our own struggles into perspective. In return, we are strengthened. We have become a ministry of not bricks

Die Tragik im Leben eines Kindes : Eine gescheiterte Existenz 12 (9781542688628)

Im Leben kommt der Zeitpunkt, in welchen die frage aufkommt, habe ich meinem Kind wirklich alles gegeben?. Christian Lukas-Altenburg beschreibt die Lebenswege mancher zum Scheitern verurteilter Kinder ** Ein Werk das ein sehr ernsthaftes Thema auf eine angemessene weise aufgreift. Ein Werk das erschüttert, aber auch Mut macht - Mut zur Veränderung der Zustände, unter denen die Titel gebenden gescheiterten Existenzen aufwachsen mussten." Product details Format Paperback | 154 pages Dimensions 140 x 216 x 8mm

Fine Motor Skills for Children with Down Syndrome : A Guide for Parents and Professionals (9781890627676)

The updated and expanded 2nd edition of Fine Motor Skills in Childrenwith Down Syndrome continues to be a popular, practical guide tounderstanding fine motor skills in children with Down syndrome andhelping them develop these skills from birth through early adolescence.The first edition won a Parent's Choice Award in 1999. The author, anoccupational therapist who has worked extensively with children withDown syndrome, is also the parent of a teenager with Down syndrome.She offers parents and professionals dozens of easy, home-andschool-based activities, illustrated with black and white photos, whichhelp children gradually acquire the skills they need for fine motordevelopment. Readers learn how to incorporate work on fine motorskills into everyday activities and routines and to emphasise tasks thatchildren can use throughout life - play, self-help, printing, cutting withscissors, and computer use. Product details

Normal : A Mother and Her Beautiful Son (9780358306702)

A moving memoir from the mother of a child with Treacher Collins Syndrome, with a foreword by R.J. Palacio, author of Wonder For Magda Newman, normal was a goal--she wanted her son Nathaniel to be able to play on the playground, swim at the beach, enjoy the moments of childhood that are often taken for granted. But Nathaniel's severe Treacher Collins syndrome--a craniofacial condition--meant that other concerns came first. Could he eat without the aid of a gastrointestinal tube? Could he hear? Would he ever be able to breathe effortlessly? In this moving memoir, Newman, with the help of her son, tells the story of raising Nathaniel, from the shock she and her husband faced when he was born, to the inspiration of Nathaniel's own strength and quirky humor. All this while also facing both non-Hodgkins and Hodgkins lymphoma diagnoses of her own. This uplifting story of a family tackling complex and terrifying circumstances with love and resilience is a true testament to Magda and h

Meeting the needs of children with autistic spectrum disorders (9781853465826)

This text is meant as a companion for students in teacher-training, newly-qualified teachers, or for anyone teaching children with autistic spectrum disorders for the first time in a mainstream setting. Using a case-study approach, the authors: help the teacher to identify the meaning behind pupils' actions and reactions; provide suggested responses via practical exercises and curriculum ideas; and provide signposts to other useful literature and list services and organisations which can further help the pupil. No prior knowledge of autistic spectrum disorders is required. Product details Format Paperback | 80 pages Dimensions

The Boys in the Band (9780573640049)

Drama Characters: 9 male Interior Set This seminal work of the Off-Broadway movement premiered in 1968 and was a long-running hit onstage, later filmed with the original cast. In 2010, the play made a triumphant return to New York City in an highly praised production produced by Drama Desk and Obie Award winning Transport Group. In his upper eastside Manhattan apartment, Michael is throwing a birthday party for Harold, a self-awoved "32 year-old, pock-marked, Jew fairy", complete with surprise gift: "Cowboy" a street hustler. As the evening wears on, fueled by drugs and alcohol, bitter, unresolved resentments among the guests come to light when a game of "Truth" goes terribly wrong. "A play of real substance, one that deserves to be performed not occasionally but regularly."-The Wall Street Journal "...terrifically thoughtful...The Boys in the Band emerges remarkably universal."-NY1 "...deliriously delicious..."-Gay City News

The Lost Book of King Og : The Only Written Words of the Rephaim (1542890659)

These are the only writings of KING OG the Rephaim. The Rephaim being a Biblical race of Giants that Moses eventually had to eradicate in Numbers 21 of the Bible. Originally transcribed during a several hundred year swath in and around 1400 BCE, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG is a controversial, heretical tome that reads like the Bible. In fact, it has been heavily speculated that the original architects of the Bible were on intimate terms with THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG, which explains instances of similarity in metaphor and verbiage. Previously, the only way to look into this particular pre-Biblical flood, Rephaim/Nephilim world of Giants was through THE BOOK OF ENOCH and other DEAD SEA SCROLLS. Author DEMMON has brought forward a previously lost, heretical book that features the only Aramaic to English translation of the remaining mostly-complete copy of THE BOOK OF KING OG the Rephaim. While not entirely complete, THE LOST BOOK OF KING OG offers the greatest comprehension yet of the antedi

Raising Passionate Jesus Followers : The Power of Intentional Parenting (9780310347774)

Hope and practical help for parents whose greatest longing is to shepherd their children into a vibrant faith in God. For Christian parents, there is no greater joy than seeing their children learn to walk with the Lord. And there is no greater fear than that their children will walk away from God. After serving together in pastoral ministry and raising their now-grown children, Phil and Diane Comer know those hopes and fears well. Like all new parents, they were intimidated and unsure about how to take on the task of spiritually training their young children. But now, with all four of their children grown and establishing their own households of faith, Phil and Diane have embarked on a quest to help the next generation of parents raise passionate Jesus followers. Drawing on years of pastoral counseling, teaching, leading, and decades of watching families from the perspective of pastors and leaders in ministry, Phil and Diane instruct, guide, encourage, and offer hope and practical hel

The Handbook of Therapeutic Care for Children : Evidence-Informed Approaches to Working with Traumatized Children and Adolescents in Foster, Kinship and Adoptive Care (9781785927515)

This innovative book brings together a wide range of therapeutic approaches, techniques and models to outline recent developments in the practice of supporting children in out-of-home care. It sheds light on the significance of schools, sports and peer relationships in the lives of traumatized children. It also draws particular attention to the vital importance of taking into account children's cultural heritage, and to the growing prevalence of relative care. Each chapter is set out by acclaimed and world-renowned contributors' specific approach, such as Dan Hughes and his work on conceptual maps and Cathy Malchiodi and her research on creative interventions, and gives practical ways to support children and carers. It also includes contributions from Bruce Perry, Allan Schore and Martin Teicher. This comprehensive volume will open new avenues for understanding how the relationship between child and carer can create opportunities for change and healing.

AI 2041 : Ten Visions for Our Future (9780593238295)

How will artificial intelligence change our world within twenty years? "This inspired collaboration between a pioneering technologist and a visionary writer of science fiction offers bold and urgent insights."--Yann LeCun, winner of the Turing Award; chief AI scientist, Facebook "Amazingly entertaining . . . Lee and Chen take us on an immersive trip through the future. . . . Eye-opening."--Mark Cuban AI will be the defining development of the twenty-first century. Within two decades, aspects of daily human life will be unrecognizable. AI will generate unprecedented wealth, revolutionize medicine and education through human-machine symbiosis, and create brand-new forms of communication and entertainment. In liberating us from routine work, however, AI will also challenge the organizing principles of our economic and social order. Meanwhile, AI will bring new risks in the form of autonomous weapons and smart technology that inherits human bias. AI is at a tipping poin

The List : Shout Your Dreams Out Loud to Make Them Come True (1510718451)

Refreshingly honest, fast-paced, and full of humor, The List is full of practical advice and inspiration that will help you achieve your goals. Already an international bestseller, the book began as a list of 10 things the author wanted to accomplish in 400 days. He posted the list on his blog and asked for help and within 24 hours was overwhelmed by responses. The key idea is as simple as it is powerful let others know about your dreams and they will help you achieve them. Why do some people succeed where others fail? What makes some push past their financial hardships while others lag behind? What is holding you back? Yuval Abramovitz provides thought-provoking true stories, tips, insights, and techniques to show readers how to move past roadblocks, ask and receive help, and reach even the loftiest of goals. The List is filled with exercises and prompts for lists that help you make your dreams a reality. The author's journey from writing his first list in a wheelchair to becoming

Life Will Never Be The Same : The Real Mom's Postpartum Survival Guide (9780982641002)

Finally, a book for real moms that tells the honest truth about what to expect emotionally after having a baby. In their groundbreaking Postpartum Survival Guide, Dr. Ann Dunnewold and Dr. Diane Sanford shattered the silence about the enormous emotional challenges of postpartum adjustment and motherhood. Now, in Life Will Never Be The Same: The Real Mom's Postpartum Survival Guide, their new definitive guide to emotional health surrounding childbearing, they present their clinically-proven strategies for surviving and thriving during both the postpartum period and a lifetime of motherhood. The feelings surrounding becoming a mom are often more powerful than feelings at any other time in a woman's life. Pregnant and new moms take every precaution to ensure their physical health, from all the latest tests to prenatal vitamins. However, emotional health is just as critical, if not more! In fact, postpartum depression is the single most frequent complication of childbirth. As moms,